A downloadable tool

Interior design tool - How to use

Wall Tool

Generate and scale cube primatives using height, length and thickness parameters defined within the tab

Door Tool

Generate fully working custom doors with a script attatched to give the door its open and close functionality/pivot

See "DoorController.cs" to modify door pivot features

Toggle generation of appended doorframes making use of a modified primative manipulation function, similar to that of the original wall generation to seemlessly surround the door object

Snap Tool

Aligning the previously generated objects, the snap tool allows you to seemlessly merge two objects together

With preview functionality for debugging pre-snaps

Roof Tool

Select objects to define a perimeter of the room and generate either a roof or a floor for the room!

Rotate Tool

Currently only works on walls, rotates object by 90 degrees using scale to work in line with the snap feature

This tool will see to updates bringing it to a more relevant version alongside a less rigid format so stay tuned!!


 - aspects are pre defined by the door tool to allow "out of the box"

integration into projects without the need for tinkering with specific

scales to make them look like a 'natural' object

 - please do not rotate the generated objects manually if possible (this

is because in its current for the snap tools calibrated to work on objs

without a pivot)

 - snapping is most effective with singular objects (not atttatched ot
any children or parents)

- Note the assigned textures are layed out in a pattern for objects with
matching UV's and should be editted accordingly

- The roof tool current version only supports simple shapes, non compound
geometry, and so any more complicated room shapes must be handled
manually (Making use of current tools with different selected objects)


unityBuildingTool.zip 76 kB

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